
Product application >> Plastics & Rubbers >> Oil soluble dyes

Oil soluble dyes


Advanced plastic colorant is the most ideal of all kinds of plastic colorants, with strong coloring, good heat resistance, high light fastness, acid and alkali resistance, bright color etc.. At present, widely used in daily plastic bobbin materials, industrial oil, paint and ink, masterbatch coloring material, some varieties suitable for chemical fiber, polyester, nylon, acetate fiber spinning coloring.

Plastic solvent dyes

Product Name

Color Index

Name of similar products abroad

Lucifer Yellow R

Solvent Yellow 43

Smoke Yellow Dense (HDC)

Transparent Yellow 3G

Solvent Yellow 93

Macrolex Yellow 3G (LANXESS)

Lucifer Yellow 3G

Solvent Yellow 98

Hostasol Yellow 3G (DyStar)

Transparent Yellow G

Solvent Yellow 114

Macrolex Yellow G (LANXESS)

Lucifer Yellow 8GF

Solvent Yellow 145

Oracet Yellow 8GF (BASF)

Transparent Yellow RN

Pigment Yellow 147

Oracet Yellow RB(BASF)

Transparent Yellow HG

Solvent Yellow 157

Keyplast Lemon Yellow (KEY)

Transparent Yellow 5R

Solvent Yellow 163

Waxoline Yellow 5RP FW (BSAF)

Transparent Yellow GHS

Solvent Yellow 163

Oracet Yellow GHS (CIBA)

Transparent Yellow R

Solvent Yellow 176

Solvaperm Yellow G (HST)

Transparent Yellow 6G

Solvent Yellow 179

Macrolex Yellow 6G (LANXESS)

Lucifer Yellow 10G

Solvent Yellow 185

Polysolve Yellow 82 (PLSV)

Transparent Orange 3G

Solvent Orange 60

Macrolex Orange 3G (LANXESS)

Lucifer Red GG

Solvent Orange 63

Hostasol Red GG (DyStar)

Transparent Orange R

Solvent Orange 107

Macrolex Orange R (LANXESS)

Transparent Red 5B

Solvent Red 52

Macrolex Red 5B (LANXESS)

Transparent Red GS

Solvent Red 111

Macrolex Red G (BAY)

Transparent Red EG

Solvent Red 135

Filester Red GA (BASF)

Lucifer Red G

Solvent Red 149

Keyplast Fluorescent Red G (KEY)

Transparent Red R

Solvent Red 179

Macrolex Red E2G (LANXESS)

Transparent Red 2B

Solvent Red 207

Keyplast Red M6B (KEY)

Transparent Red 3B

Solvent Red 227

Polysolve Disperse Red 22 (PLSV)

Transparent Blue GN

Solvent Blue 63

Geres Blue GN (BAY)

Transparent Blue GP

Solvent Blue 78

Sumiplast Blue GP

Transparent Blue RR

Solvent Blue 97

Macrolex Blue RR (LANXESS)

Transparent Blue 2R

Solvent Blue 104

Keyplast Blue KP (KEY)

Transparent Blue 5R

Solvent Blue 122

Filester Blue 2RA (BASF)

Transparent Green 5B

Solvent Green 3

Macrolex Green 5B (LANXESS)

Transparent Green 6G

Solvent Green 28

Macrolex Green G (LANXESS)

Transparent Violet 27

Disperse Violet 27


Transparent Violet BA

Disperse Violet 57

Filester Violet BA (BASF)

Transparent Violet B

Solvent Violet 13

Macrolex Violet B (LANXESS)

Transparent Violet 2R

Solvent Violet 14

Keyplast Violet PT (KEY)

Transparent Violet RR

Solvent Violet 31

Kiwalon Polyester Violet 2RE

Transparent Violet 3R

Solvent Violet 36

Macrolex Violet 3R (LANXESS)

Transparent Violet 2B

Solvent Violet 37

Sandoplast Violet FBL (CLH)

Transparent Violet 5R

Solvent Violet 59

Solvaperm Red Violet R (HST)

Transparent Black 4B

Solvent black 3

Polysolve Black 3 (PLSV)

Range of use

Advanced plastic colorant is oil soluble dye category can be dissolved in organic solvent. Can be used as a single color can be used in accordance with the needs of a certain proportion of the use of a variety of colors. Are applicable to all kinds of plastic dyeing.
(PS) Polystyrene                          (SB) styrene butadiene copolymer
(HIPS) High impact polystyrene            (AS) acrylonitrile styrene copolymer
(PC) Polycarbonate                        (ABS) acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer
(UPVC) Rigid polyvinyl chloride           (372) styrene methacrylic acid copolymer
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA)            (CA) cellulose acetate
(SAN) styrene acrylonitrile copolymer     (CP) allyl cellulose

Dye application
The above dyes are soluble in plastic melt, and they are in a certain molecular shape. When the various kinds of plastics are colored, a certain proportion can be directly added into the plastic, and the uniform mixing can be pre molded or molded. The dye in the transparent clean resin, can obtain the bright transparent color tone, if and the proper amount of titanium dioxide and the dye use, can obtain the translucent or opaque color. Dosage can be agreed upon, the general amount of transparency in the 0.02%-0.05%, the normal amount of opacity to 0.1% or so.


Quality index
Heat resistance reached 240 C -300 C
The light fastness was 6-7 grade, 7-8 grade
Resistance to migration reached 3-4 grade, 4-5 grade
Coloring strength was 100% + 3%
Moisture < 1%
Fineness through 60 mesh sieve

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